Online Proofreader: What Does Proofreading Mean?

Not all students know what an online essay proofreader is and what the role and functions of this person are. If to briefly characterize the art of proofreading, a proofreader uses skills, experience and knowledge in order to check the piece of writing composed by the author and then edited by the editor. A proofreader checks that the author’s work is written at a satisfactory level. After that, a proofreader makes amendments and gives advice to the author regarding any kind of problems that have been detected during proofreading. The major role of a proofreader is to optimize the end product while minimizing the time period during which the paper should be ready to publication. In case of the academic field, the functions of proofreaders include checking academic papers for any kind of grammar, spelling, punctuation or stylistic mistakes. Some students cannot do this job on their own, and therefore require the assistance of a professional proofreader. Let us analyze the main functions of a professional proofreader in greater detail. The list of proofreader’s tasks is provided below.
- First of all, a proofreader should compare the paper provided by the author with the edited copy either line by line or by means of reading it over.
- A proofreader also checks the correctness of page headings and page numbers. In case of any inconsistencies, a proofreader should correct the existing mistakes or leave some comments for the writer to make amendments.
- A professional essay proofreader also checks the table of contents if it is available. In this regard, it is worth mentioning that the table of contents is generally checked for any mistakes in the titles of chapters, page numbers, index or appendices. This procedure ensures that the student’s essay is correctly formatted and structured according to the educational requirements.
- Besides, proofreaders check the texts for stylistic errors including incorrect hyphenation and spelling. This is done in order to ensure that the paper is written in a consistent style. Furthermore, a good proofreader generally looks for any omitted words or inconsistencies in the content of the paper. This is needed to ensure that the text is written according to the educational standards.
- Proofreaders carefully evaluate the need for changing the text so as not to change the paper word by word, which would be considered incorrect proofreading. Instead, a good proofreader would identify the changes that should be made and would mark the place that needs to be edited.
- Online essay proofreaders also check the references to make them follow the existing citation standards. Furthermore, proofreaders generally ensure that the illustrations in the text correspond with one another and the paper on the whole.
- Generally speaking, an essay proofreader aims to check whether the paper is logically correct and arranged in a right way. In fact, logical structure of the text plays a vital role in the success of student’s writing. If a text is not arranged logically, it would most likely not deserve a good mark on behalf of student’s instructor. Therefore, the task of a proofreader is to rearrange the paper according to the requirements.
The above functions of a proofreader prove that the proofreading job is interrelated with editing. However, there are a number of differences between editing and proofreading. Among others, proofreaders do not re-edit the texts. Their aim is to make the paper more readable and correct and introduce changes with good reason only. Unlike editing, proofreading means checking the text carefully in order to detect and correct various grammar, stylistic and spelling mistakes as well as typographical errors. Here are some tips on how to proofread a paper. These recommendations are taken into account by professional essay proofreaders, so they will help you to understand better what proofreading means.
- First of all, if you proofread a paper, you need to ensure that you have revised all the large elements of the text. You should not make any corrections at the word and sentence level if you have some concerns regarding the organization, focus or development either of the entire essay or its separate parts including paragraphs and sections.
- Another recommendation for proofreaders is to set the written text aside for some time (this may take a day or just several minutes). You need to give it a rest for a while, so that you will have some time between actual writing and proofreading. A distance between writing and checking the paper for mistakes will help you to see all the errors with greater ease.
- Before looking for specific mistakes in the text, try to eradicate all unnecessary words. Proofreaders also should know exactly what to look for. If you have been given some recommendations or comments by your university instructor or professor regarding the previous papers, you need to make a list of errors that you should be watchful to.
- While proofreading a text, it is advisable to read it out loud. This happens to be especially helpful when looking for run-on sentences. Besides, it is always easier to hear the problem that you have when reading the text aloud. If you read it silently, you will not be able to spot all the errors you have made.
- One more recommendation that is often used by professional proofreaders is to check separately for every type of mistake starting from the most important ones and moving towards the least significant errors. Generally speaking, you can use any kind of technique that might work best for you in order to detect all errors in your paper.
However, if you don’t want to go through the tedious process of proofreading, you can always use help of professional essay proofreaders. Our service provides quality help in the field of editing and proofreading academic essays, term papers, custom writings, dissertations and other types of papers. Don’t lose your chance to get qualified assistance from world-class proofreaders.
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